Posts from March 2014

110 of 13 items

Earning Rewards

by PH

How do you feel about doing good deeds to earn a reward? Are you thinking, “Well, you should do good deeds for goodness-sake and not for a reward. It would be selfish to want to do something nice because there is something in it for yourself.” But that’s not what the Bible teaches. It teaches […]

A Gnat’s Attention Span

by PH

If you find yourself in a spiritual funk, examine your life to see if you had put your hope in improved circumstances more than in God. A “funk” usually follows a spiritual high. The Lord was good to you and has even shown you something extraordinary. And you expected things to be different – better! […]

Free but Costly

by PH

A riddle: What is both free and costly at the same time? Answer: Grace. Grace is free. It cannot be earned nor be worked for. It can only be received. However, it will cost everything to those who receive it. But how can something free be so costly? We get confused because we associate “free” […]

God in Control

by PH

So, no one won $1 Billion for guessing correctly the NCAA Men’s basketball tournament brackets. As a matter of fact, no one got past the first round, I hear. This proves one thing. No one can see 1 week into the future. Can you imagine what you would do if you did have the ability […]

A Troublesome God

by PH

My mom recently told me about a family I knew from my previous church. Their 11 year old son has leukemia. Fortunately, he was able to get a transplant and is in recovery. But in the effort to take care of the child, both parents quit their jobs, sold their house, depleted all their savings, […]

Every Door Shut

by PH

God curses many with prosperity. God blesses many with poverty. That is the truth to be learned from the Book of Job. But religion teaches us exactly the opposite. It says that “If you do good, God will bless you. If you do bad, God will curse you.” Translation, “If bad things are happening to […]

How To Be Miserable

by PH

If you want to make someone miserable, give him everything he wants. Make sure he thinks he is the center of the universe, and everything and everyone exists for him. Soon, he will be so miserable and say things like, “I’m going to kill myself if you don’t give me that!” (When you have already […]

Life of Significance

by PH

Ever thought, “Why am I wasting my life with doing these mundane things for these insignificant people?” Maybe you are a stay-at-home mom who cleans and cooks all day. Perhaps you are at a job taking care of people in their disabilities. (And they are unaware of what you do for them) Perhaps you teach […]

Honey, Wake Up

by PH

It is my task to wake up my first born everyday for school. Obviously, my wife lacks the patience to be gentle with her and she threw fits waking up in the past and thus the wonderful task fell on me… (I still love you, wife! =)) At 7:30 every weekday morning, I kneel next […]

Your Job, God’s Assignment

by PH

It’s Monday morning and farthest removed from the weekend. But have you realized what makes you look forward to the weekend is the weekdays of work? That’s right. What makes us look forward to the rest IS the work. If we didn’t work, then the weekend would be meaningless. If there were no winters, summers […]