So, no one won $1 Billion for guessing correctly the NCAA Men’s basketball tournament brackets. As a matter of fact, no one got past the first round, I hear. This proves one thing. No one can see 1 week into the future.

Can you imagine what you would do if you did have the ability to see just one week into the future? (Think of lottery, stock exchange, business moves, etc) One example: You would’ve warned the Malaysian airplane that disappeared not to take that flight, thus saving 239 lives. But we can’t. We cannot even see 1 minute into the future. But we all live like our future is guaranteed. and what dangerous assumption that is!

We are at best half-sovereigns. God has endowed human beings with great abilities and almost limitless potential. However, we are limited. We did not choose our birth. We cannot see into the future. We have limited understanding. (Where is the Malaysian airplane?) But God is fully sovereign. He not only knows the intricate details of the future, but He is in complete control over them. Like an author who is in complete control of the characters in the book that he is writing, God is in complete control of our lives. Nothing happens without God knowing or willing.

I used to not like that type of water-tight sovereignty of God. I thought that takes away from man’s free-will. But if God is truly sovereign and powerful, then He must be able to do that which is not possible in our minds. For example, in our minds, we cannot comprehend how God could predetermine regarding human affairs and yet we maintain our free-will. But if God could only do that which is comprehensible by us, that’s not much of power, is it?

I love the fact that God is in complete control. He is not biting his nails over the future because He doesn’t know what’s going to happen. Nor does He get anxious because knowing the future, He cannot do anything about it. My days are numbered and He knows the number. He knows the days of my children. And He controls them all. And I can sleep well at night knowing that this GOOD God has me wrapped in his fingers.

He knows the very number of hair on your head (Matt 10:30) If you plucked a few silver ones this morning, He knows that too. He knows more about you than you because He cares more about you than you.

Rest in Him.
