The nature sometimes does a better job of glorifying God than humans. If we do want to see how God is to be praised, then we’d do well to look to the nature time to time and learn.

The Sun by rising every morning and painting the sky yellow glorifies God.
The trees swaying in the wind are clapping their hands at their Creator.
The mountains by staying put in one place for thousands of years are imitating the immovable God.
The Moon by reflecting the light of the Sun reminds us to reflect the Son.

“The heavens declare the glory of God,
and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.
Day to day pours out speech,
and night to night reveals knowledge.”
Ps. 19:1-2

Have you realized the humans are the only creatures who are capable of NOT glorifying God? And we do so by giving glory to ourselves rather than to God.

There is so much more joy in glorifying God than the self.
And the more glory we give to Him, the more glory we want to give to Him.

Praise Him today for His goodness and beauty. Force it out even if you don’t feel like it! You are not being a hypocrite by doing something your heart does not want to. Your heart is being a hypocrite by not doing what it was created to do!

Give thanks to Him. List all the things that He has allowed you to have. Think of what you truly deserved – death and hell – but are not getting.
