Have you ever witnessed a genuine miracle of God? I cannot help but think as I’m reading all the miracles occurring in the Book of Acts in the life of the earth church, why we don’t see many miracles at all today. Many miracles? Actually, most of us are not sure if we have seen a single, legitimate miracle in our lives! Does God still do miracles? Does He ever break in to the natural world to do a super-natural work?

If you know Jesus as the Son of God and you know in your heart that He came to save you, the sinner, then a miracle has taken place in your life! In case you think that’s a small miracle, if it’s a miracle at all, the fact is that there is no other miracle that is greater than that! This is the miracle of making a dead man live. This is the miracle of making a blind man see!

“Now as he went on his way, he approached Damascus, and suddenly a light from heaven shone around him… although his eyes were opened, he saw nothing.” Acts 9:3, 8

Paul was spiritually blind although physically seeing. And to illustrate this, God makes him physically blind! I can only imagine what thoughts must’ve gone through Paul’s head while he was blind for 3 days. Perhaps, thoughts like, “How could I have been so blind? How could I not see that Jesus was the Son of God? How could I be so opposite of what I thought I was?”

He was spiritually blind and suddenly he saw the light. And it was none of his doing. It was ALL God. And for the rest of his life, he would flesh that out by being the instrument of God to open the eyes of the gentiles…

If your eyes are open to the beauty and grace of God, then rejoice that a miracle has happened to you!