Ezekiel 22:30-And I sought for a man among them who should build up the wall and stand in the breach before me for the land, that I should not destroy it, but I found none. 
Think about how Jesus Christ defined love, and how unpopular it was in His day (and still is).  Now think about how popular “the idea” of love is now?  You have to conclude that society’s “idea” of love now is not real, or at least not substantial enough to last…
A term for today’s pop culture definition of love is “spurious”, meaning that it flourishes in the good times, the honeymoons, vacations, etc. but is fails or is non-existent in the tough and mundane times.  Spurious love is popular, because anyone can experience and flourish in it. It takes no inner strength to ride a wave of great conditions.  In other words, no one would say they persevered through a great vacation!
Spurious love is the kind that God knew would not “stand in the breach” before Him to preserve the land.  To stand in real love is unpopular and rare, which is why the love of Christ is so precious!  Jesus stood in the breach for us to preserve our lives from sin and death, to give us eternal life!
This is why society has to see Christians walk in the kind of love that is unpopular.  Because mainstream media and society has redefined love to be an experience, which fades eventually.  But it is because they don’t know a God who is worth suffering for.  Love must be proven when it is unpopular and goes against the ideals of people, even the people we love!  What is real, will always reveal what is false or spurious…
In His Love, Ld