Happy Thanksgiving!

Luke 1:49, 54-for he who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name. He has helped his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy,

Notice the knowledge and faith of Mary. She realizes that the blessing of the Lord is not about her, but specifically about God’s plan for His people. It would be easy for her naturally to look at the uniqueness of being blessed with the Son of God as her child, and be arrogant and self consumed as to how wonderful she is.

This is where many Catholics get it all wrong in praying to Mary, as if she has a stake in being credited with any part of our salvation. I think if she were alive today she would rebuke those who worship and praise her, and ask them to read her passage of God’s praise in bringing a Savior to Israel, that God alone be praised!

So what does this have to do with Thanksgivings? If we are honest, maybe the biggest temptation you and I have in this selfish culture of ours is to think too narrow about our personal "blessings" and trials. Whether it is receiving a gift of tremendous blessing like Mary, or heartache in trials, it can take us a while to see how it will bless God and others, causing us to be thankful.

So are we truly thankful for hardships and times of tremendous blessings, because they have benefited other people for God’s purpose? Or are we grumbling because God’s blessing of life, which contains both, is too uncomfortable for us to be thankful?

Being blessed with the Son of God sounds tremendous, but was probably very uncomfortable. Trying to explain to anyone you’ve gotten pregnant by the Holy Spirit sounds naturally ridiculous! But because she was Kingdom-minded she had joy and thanksgiving, rejoicing her way through the potential ridicule, because she knew the blessing Jesus would bring to the world.

-Let Thanksgiving be a time where you reflect on how God is working all things out for good towards you and others for His glory, so we can really say Thank You Lord.

In His Love, Ld