I got summoned to serve jury duty today. I ran out of excuses and was finally selected as a potential juror. So, this morning, I went to the district court and sat through the whole process. There were 40 potential jurors and they wanted to pare it down to 12. After 5 hours of being there – to make sure the court selects unbiased jurors – 12 jurors were selected and the rest were dismissed. I was not selected….

That’s just to select the jurors for a case. The trial will go on for another week or two, the highly educated lawyers will wreck their brain to make their cases and the decision will finally be made. All this to get at the truth of what happened so that the right judgment can be made.

In the end, we will all stand at the judgment seat of Christ and there will be no such long process to get at the truth. God will be our judge who knows not only our acts but also our motives. His judgments will be swift and final.

Who is our accuser? Moses. “Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father. There is one who accuses you: Moses, on whom you have set your hope.” John 5:45

Moses, here, is referring to the law. God’s law will be our accuser.
Ever coveted? You’re guilty!
Ever lusted? You’re guilty!
Ever slept with someone not your mate? You’re guilty!
Ever disrespected your parents? You’re guilty.

However, those in whom Christ lives, Guilty verdict will be followed by the sentencing of receiving heaven!

Justice is our getting what we deserve.
Mercy is our not getting what we deserve.
Grace is our getting what we don’t deserve.

Praise God!