Live like you’ve lost everything!

In one sense, I am so afraid to lose what I have – house, car, job, family, etc. In another sense, I’d be so free if I had nothing. Nothing but Christ, that is….

I wonder what mindset I would be in if indeed I lost everything. Say a fire broke out at my home and took everything I valued…. My only remaining hope would be Jesus Christ and His kingdom. What else would I look forward to when everything is gone?

This shows me how attached I am to the things of this world. Good things, mind you. Good things God gave me to enjoy legitimately. However, things that are not Jesus Christ….

No, there is nothing wrong with enjoying things that God gave us. I’m merely asking myself if I enjoy them more than Jesus. If I place my hope and value in them more than in Jesus Christ.

Phil 3:8, “Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ.”

For Paul, this “rubbish” included raising a family, acquiring a house, a bank account, nice sets of clothes, retirement fund, etc.

How free Paul must have been! There was only one thing he wanted – Jesus Christ – and that thing he never had to worry about losing!

So, why not live like we’ve lost everything? Imagine if you owned nothing. Yet, you have Christ.

Let the joy of having Christ return to your and my heart.