Have you been feeling deep loneliness? It seems that many people that I talk to feel lonely. This can happen in a married relationship, surrounded by friends, and even to Christians who love Jesus. Our loneliness is an indication that we are created for a deeper relationship than what we have already experienced. We are not lonely for human relationships. We are lonely for a relationship with God.

Jesus felt a pang of loneliness at Gethsemane. He was going to be abandoned by everyone in a few moments and knew it. All of His friends/disciples were going to abandon Him. And moreover, even His Father was going to abandon Him. So, He says to His friends, “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.” (Matt 26:38)

Can you hear the agony in Jesus’ voice? Have you ever been abandoned and felt unaccepted that you felt like dying? You have literally thought of killing yourself to be relieved from the feeling of sadness, depression, loneliness, and abandonment? That’s what Jesus was feeling!

All of our loneliness, sorrows, unworthiness, unattractive feelings had been poured on Jesus. When He cried out, “My God, my God, why have you forsake me?” He was crying out what we have been crying out.

Then, He promises to fill us with His Spirit and be with us forever.

Take some time to read Matt. 26. Especially when your soul is dry. Don’t focus on how empty you feel. Focus on Jesus and who He is and what He did. It might just save your life…