Good morning everyone,
Just praying and thinking about yesterday’s meeting and what we accomplished in finishing the schedule I just wanted to share what PH mentioned as what was indeed healthy for us to discuss,disagree, and finalize.
Proverbs 11:14-14 Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.

*I believe you can look at this parable from 2 sides, in being a leader or a member of the congregation, both sides bring a beautiful picture of security

(as a leader)-From the perspective of a leader I don’t believe it was God’s design for any one person to make all plans and decisions without any counsel.  Which means that I don’t believe any one person makes a decision like that in security and peace, but in defensiveness and insecurity.  Because to not take counsel from others whom God has given us means that somehow we think of ourselves as superior, which is how dictatorships get started!  So praise God for us listening to one another!
(as a member/follower)-From the perspective of a member I believe when people know they are truly heard (and people know when they are or not) they get the feeling that they are contributing and their thoughts are respected.  Because truly listening helps foster security in the person who is sharing their heart and mind (I’m getting better Ange!).  Also because we are one Body and Christ being the Head, people will know that leaders who don’t truly take counsel are not submitted to God but their own pride.
I praise God that we do have a format such as our Leadership sync meetings and I pray that we continue to grow into this truth.
In His Love, Ld