I watched a documentary on autistic geniuses yesterday. These are people who have a damage to certain parts of their brain, and the genius comes from the other part of the brain compensating for it. 
For example, one man took a 30-minute look at the city of Tokyo (the most densely populated in the world) from a high tower, and he was able to draw in amazing detail from memory down to the number of windows on thousands of buildings! The detail was such that you shake your head and think, “How could anyone do such a thing?” 
A 10 year old boy looked at a very complicated subway map of a major city for a minute and was able to recall every detail from it. An 8 year old girl listened to a particular orchestral music for the first time in her life and was able to immediately play it on the piano without missing a single note!
This is because they were utilizing the parts of the brain that a normal person wouldn’t. And that is the potential that lies within our brains. The scientists say that at best, we use maybe 10% of our brain. Can you imagine what it would be like if we could utilize it a 100%?? 
When our bodies are restored in heaven, we will have such abilities and more. We will never forget where we put our keys. We won’t have to toil for years to learn a new instrument. It will be as God originally designed it without any effects of sin! 
Our God is a good God to give us the best. He gave us His Son in spite of our sins. Now that we are His children, how much more will He give us? 
Rejoice, for He who created you so wonderfully and fearfully loves you!