You cannot thwart the will of God. It would be like a child kicking a tank with his tennis shoes on. God’s will will stand!
Pharoah thought that he would wipe out God’s people. So, he ordered all the Hebrew boys to be killed as soon as they were born. But one of them survives and where does he grow up? Right under his roof in his daughter’s care! That is the story of Moses. The harder Pharoah wanted to go against God’s will, the more he was helping the very cause of God! (Exodus 1-2)
God’s will will be done. His counsel will stand. It’s a matter of whether we are going with that will or against it. Yes, going with God’s will is often going AGAINST the popular culture and what is accepted as the norm. We will at times feel like we are doing something wrong when we choose God’s will over against the dictates of the world. But in the end, God will prevail and every man be found a liar. 
Throw off evil and submit to God’s will. Love His people and look after the downtrodden!