Philippians 4:9What you have learned and received and heard and seen in mepractice these things, and the God of peace will be with you. 

The well known phrase “more is caught than taught” is a simple lesson, but truly a humbling task to fulfill.  Think about how we teach, discipline, or give advice to people out of genuine concern, compared to the opportunities we have to be around those to “catch” from our actions what we say…
This is why being around people in some capacity is a great indicator of what can be “caught” from us rather than taught.  Many people can instruct, teach, or give advice, but generally that advice only goes so far, if what we say is not what we are striving to practice and do…(Romans 2:25-29)
From this passage, the apostle Paul wants to make sure that he has no problem in being a confident example for others in leading them to experience the peace of God.  In order to have this confidence, Paul knows that it starts with his own practice, and experience of God’s grace and faithfulness to him…
This is the “domino effect” we as believers are to grasp as we grow in the grace of our Lord.  That by our own practice of applying what we have been taught by the Lord, will show up in fruit, which can be “caught” by those who come in contact with us.  Though perfection won’t be what we leave people with, we should be striving to lead them to the peace of God by our actions, because we are practicing it.-In His Love, Ld