John 4:15-16The woman said to him, “Sir, give me this water, so that I will not be thirsty or have to come here to draw water.” 16 Jesus said to her, “Go, call your husband, and come here.”

Jesus meeting “the woman at the well” maybe one of the more famous passages in the gospels.  To give you some context just in case you are not familiar with it,  Jesus comes to Samaria and ask for a drink of water, from a Samaritan woman at a well.  His request turns out to be an offer of Living Water to her that she readily accepts…
Though Jesus could’ve stopped there and given this woman what she desired.  He decided to dive deeper into her life.  In essence Jesus is doing what the Holy Spirit does to us when we seek Him.  In telling her to go get her “husband”, Jesus is getting to the root of her issues, being that she has had five husbands!
It is not enough to relish in having the Holy Spirit, if we are not willing to do the honest hard work, of confronting root causes that hinder abundant life in Christ.  What is at stake is joy, peace, and righteousness in the Holy Spirit, and in Jesus knowing that, did not want to leave her without healing.  Because what good is it to be “saved”, and live miserable and defeated?
So the continuous work we must engage in, like Jesus shows us with this woman, is to confront the root of our issues.  Asking ourselves, “what is the root cause of my anger, bitterness, or depression, etc.?”  In asking such questions of ourselves, we are opening the door to be encountered by Christ through the Holy Spirit, much like this woman…
It makes you wonder, had not Jesus asked about her husband, would she have resisted the work of confronting herself?  But the work of having “Living Water” is displayed by the confrontation between Jesus and this woman.  That we not only have power, but also the boldness to use that power to confront weaknesses and struggles that threaten to leave us bound.  Challenge yourself, whether you have resisted confronting yourself, and dismissing the ongoing work of sanctification in Jesus (or being cleansed)?  (1 Thessalonians 5:23, Hebrews 4:16)
Salvation means deliverance, no matter how slow it seems. Having “Living Water” should embody some fruit of fighting against the root causes of bondage..(Romans 6:17-18)
In His Love, Ld