Do you like yourself better when you are in a certain mood than other?

I, for example, like myself better when I feel compassionate toward my children than anger. When I do get angry with them, it’s usually not because they have harmed me in some way. But it’s usually when they act in such a way that would be harmful to themselves now or later. Although that anger really rises from love for them, I still do not like that feeling of being angry. I much prefer the feeling of compassion and love.

It seems that God is also that way. He prefers showing His love more so than showing His anger.

Micah 7:18 “Who is a God like you, pardoning iniquity and passing over transgression for the remnant of his inheritance? He does not retain his anger forever, because he delights in steadfast love.” 

God does not stay angry at us because He much prefers (delights in) steadfast love. Even His anger arises out of this desire to show His love. He gets angry because He loves us!

God delights in showing us love. He does not like being angry at us. But He can’t help Himself being at angry at us when we do wrong because that’s what love does. The only way He does not get angry at our wrongdoing is if He didn’t care. I don’t think any of us would want that…

How do we keep ourselves from wrongdoing? I think it involves both the will and the heart. When I say the “will,” I do not mean simply to will ourselves from wrongdoing. But willing ourselves to have a changed heart. That’s because our will will follow what our hearts delight in. What we must do is to change what our heart delights in. Once our heart delights in the right things, then our will will have a far easier time obeying the heart.

So, what are you doing to guard your heart today? Ask yourself, “What will increase my pleasure in God?” Do that!