John 1:4-54  In him was life, and the life was the light of men. 5  The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

A popular narrative now in society, is to focus on surrounding yourself with what is positive, and do away with all negative “energy”.  Whether that’s from people, our own thoughts, or anything else negative.  There is some truth in that philosophy, because to dwell on negativity is not healthy for your mind and soul (Philippians 4:7-8).  But to ignore and try to avoid all negativity is to really detach from reality, and even your mission as a Christian…

The Christian life as “lights” in the world is set in darkness.  That this world through sin is clearly dark and negative, yet it is in this negativity that Christian’s have great purpose to distinguish our identity from the world.  Not to avoid it, but to be a light within it!  Which brings us to a great challenge of being purposeful to be a light, and not settle in our own darkness with the world…

Yet many times we have to be convinced, not by results, but by faith that darkness has not overcome the light of Christ, by being purposeful to live it.  But our definition of being light, can differ from what being a light for Jesus really is.  Because John the Baptist’s life ended in being beheaded, and Jesus declared him a great man!

Are you under a worldly standard that being effective or “a light for Christ”, means you must be successful, wealthy, always happy and bursting with great contentment where you are in life?  Or have you accepted that being a light, is maximizing where you are through a relationship with Jesus, and finding fulfillment in that?  Our life has purpose because it is to make a difference for Christ as a light set in darkness, at whatever stage in life we are in. Any other pursuit for purpose, will not confirm Christ being life and light in the world…

In His Love, Ld