One of the sure signs that we are proud is that we frequently make ourselves feel better by comparing with others. See if you haven’t thought these:

– “At least I haven’t cheated on my wife.”

– “Well, I am skinnier and prettier than her.”

– “I earn more than him! How can he afford that?”

– “At least I don’t treat my children that way.”

– “Thank God, I don’t look like that!”

Were these rather obvious? Then, what about these?

– “I am so much more frugal than they are.”

– “At least I don’t waste my time in social media like some people!”

– “Our church is better because we are so much more diverse.”

– “I walk the walk and not just talk the talk like some people!”

If you haven’t guessed, the last four describe me. I’ve thought those…. Although I feel justified in think those thoughts, I’m still comparing myself to others in order to make myself feel good. This is pure evil because it comes from the heart of pride. It is looking for whatever way to make oneself look and feel better than others. This is exactly what Jesus warned us about.

The Pharisee, standing by himself, prayed thus: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other men, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector.” Luke 18:11

Is it wrong to be proud? No. We can be proud. But in what and from where is the question. We can be proud of what God has in us compared to what we deserved! That is the right kind of pride. But we are proud because of what we think we’ve done for ourselves compared to others. That is the wrong type.

“God, be merciful to me, a sinner!” is more like it. If you don’t feel yourself to be a sinner, then you are probably comparing yourself to others who are worse sinners than you. Hang out with Christ. You will know that you are a sinner.