We are slaves to whatever we present our body parts to. What we watch, what we listen to, what we say not only show what we are enslaved to but they also continue to enslave us if we keep in them.

For example, if I keep my eyes on the latest electronic gadgets, it shows that I’m enslaved to material things that bring temporary joy, and it will keep me enslaved as long as my eyes are on them. Whatever I present my body part to, that is what will enslave me. For some, this is our eyes – what our eyes delight in. For some, it is our ears – what our ears delight in. And for some, it is our sexual organ. For some, it is our taste buds.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with taking pleasure in things. I’m not saying that anything that is not God should not be enjoyed. Many things are god’s handiwork and bear His mark. And they are there for our enjoyment. However, if they become illegitimate, too much, or take our affection toward God away, then they become sinful and harmful.

For example, again, since I like electronic gadgets, I will pore over sometimes hours researching into them on a Saturday night! This is the time I should be giving to my family and also to getting ready for Sunday. Electronic gadgets could be used to enhance my joy in God, but when they take up too much of my time, my life has become unbalanced and sinful.

“Do not present your members to sin as instruments for unrighteousness, but present yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life, and your members to God as instruments of righteousness.” Romans 6:13

– How can we present our eyes as instruments of righteousness?

– How can we present our ears as instruments of righteousness?

– What about our tongue?

– What about our taste buds?

– What about our legs?