We must choose between God’s approval and people’s approval. In the end, going for people’s approval will lead to eternal death. Going for God’s approval will lead to eternal life. However, in this life, going for God’s approval will seem like death!
In Acts 13, Paul preaches to a mixed crowd of Jews and Gentiles (non-Jews). The Gentiles accept the message of salvation through Jesus but the Jews don’t. Why not? Because they are jealous! (Acts 13:45) They were jealous of so many people who came to hear Paul preach about Jesus. And their jealousy leads them to not only reject the message but also the messengers and so Paul now takes the message to the Gentiles.
But why would the Jews get jealous? What were they really valuing? They valued their standing in society. They valued being the center of attention as these Gentiles came to their synagogue to worship their God. But now that Paul seems to be drawing the people’s attention away from them, they get jealous and turn against Paul – and essentially against Jesus.
Valuing people’s approval will always lead us away from God. In receiving people’s accolades, we are turning our back against God and His approval. And how do we work for people’s approval? 1) Social media and what we put on there. 2) Comparing ourselves with others of similar education and status. 3) Being severely effected by how people talk of you behind your back. 4) Being bitter and jealous when our friend has it better than us.
“I don’t really care what other people think!” Really? Then, whose opinion do you care about? God’s? Or just yours? If yours, then you ARE following people’s opinion since people’s opinion is, “You shouldn’t care about anyone’s else’s opinion but yours.”