Good morning everyone,

James 2:8-If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself," you are doing well.

On of the greatest foundations in any relationship for security is to learn how to build up people in love, even though we are bound to do something wrong or at least irritating everyday. Though we don’t deserve God’s love, He did create us for that reason, to love us so deep through Jesus that we come to know that He is worthy of our worship. To be created gives you value, to be loved as we fumble along at times in our walk with Christ builds security.

But sadly, like many other relationships, whether marriage, boyfriend/girlfriend, kids vs. parents, etc. many of these relationships can be on "eggshells". Usually because we fail to be close enough to Jesus to consider we need mercy everyday, so we should give it. But when a gospel-centered life is not the priority, everything becomes performance based, and people either get our mercy or wrath based upon how "good" they have performed for us, right(?)

I think the problem with that is eventually we get tired of being chastised for messing up. People can love you and still mess up, forget, neglect, etc., if you don’t think so consider you and God? God knows whether we love Him or not, but what would have us on "eggshells" and insecure about His love, is if He took it away when we sinned? But in actuality, when we sin we have withdrawn our love and devotion (at least for a time), but Christ already died for us, His love for us is unwavering and perfect. What makes us insecure and on "eggshells" before God, is not understanding His love to come to Him for the mercy we need. So because we won’t come to receive mercy, we can’t give it, causing people to be on "eggshells" around us too.

In His Love, Ld