Have you thought of Jesus as smart? Well, I’m sure you didn’t think He was dumb. But have you specifically thought of Him as an intellectual giant? My guess is probably not. We think of Him as a loving shepherd, forgiving big brother, soft speaking man of God, but His being intellectual is probably not the first thing we thought of. But He was because He was God. He created the minds of Albert Einstein, C.S. Lewis, Immanuel Kant, etc.

But have you come across people who are extremely intelligent, but they lack social skills? They don’t know how to act around people? Well, they might be smart in one way – rationally and logically – but they may not be smart in another way – socially and relationally. (If they are really smart, how come they don’t know how they come across to other people and fix it, I always wondered) But Jesus was truly smart because He was smart rationally – the best lawyers of His day were rendered speechless trying to challenge Him on finer points of the law – and smart relationally so much so that little children wanted to be around Him.

“When he gave the sea its boundary so the waters would not overstep his command, and when he marked out the foundations of the earth, then I was the craftsman at his side…” Prov. 8:30

“I” here is referring to wisdom. The physical laws as well as the spiritual laws that govern the universe are founded upon wisdom from God. They are not two separate things – rational and relational – but they are all encompassed in God’s eternal wisdom.

This means, we can trust God for physical things as well as spiritual things. Many people trust God for spiritual things – like salvation, peace, love, etc – but they don’t trust God for physical things – finances, job situation, career decision, etc. But we must. God is the God of the spiritual as well as the physical. He is the God who saves our souls AND calms the sea…