If God is in absolute control (sovereign), then why do we need to do anything?

One of the teachings of the Bible we believe in is that God is sovereign over all things. Not just in life or death matters but in ALL things – even things like how many hair fell out of your head while you were sleeping last night!

The natural question then becomes: what place does our choice have? If God is going to accomplish His will and it is absolutely determined, then why does it matter what we do?

I do not know all the intricate details of how it works out (Not sure if anyone does!), but I do know that God involves us in accomplishing His will. I find it fascinating that when Jesus multiplied bread and fish for the 5,000 and 4,000 later, He didn’t start with nothing. As a Creator, He could’ve simply created bread and fish out of nothing. But He decided to use what was already there (first time from a little boy and the second time from the disciples) and multiply them. And each time, He got the disciples to deliver the baskets to the people.

It says two things at least: 1) God uses what’s already there however meager. 2) God involves us in bringing about His will.

So, God’s sovereign will will be done anyway. The question is whether we will have a part in it or not.

I want to be included in His plan. I pray that you do, too.