The essence of sin is self-centeredness. I know you’ve heard me say that before, but time after time, I find myself being surprised at how deeply rooted that self-centeredness really is in my soul. I’m convinced I will never come to the bottom of it in this life…

Last week, at a church planter’s conference, I was sharing with another church planter how we are not called to be successful but to be faithful. Therefore, we need to focused on being faithful and obedient rather than stressing out about being successful. Then, he wanted to pray for me. And what he said in his prayer stunned me. He said, “let him (that would be me) know that even before he tries to be faithful to you, You are a faithful God!”

I was focused on how I needed to be toward God, but he brought to my mind what’s more important is to remember how God is to me! He is faithful! Even when I am unfaithful to Him, He is faithful.
2 Tim 2:13 if we are faithless, he will remain faithful, for he cannot disown himself.

That is the Christian message. It is not what I do for Him. It is what He has done for me. And the Christian life is lived in the joy and gratitude for this God who is forever faithful to me and you!

Sin is a result of forgetting this.

Till He is formed in you,