Good morning everyone,

Hebrews 13:18-Pray for us, for we are sure that we have a clear conscience, desiring to act honorably in all things.

One of the things I remember very vividly about being a non-Christian was how much I had no desire at all to be around Christians. Not because they were rude, or not genuinely good people but because I felt there was some kind of standard that I knew I wasn’t living up to. Obviously I know now as a Christian, my conscience was convicted because of the Holy Spirit inside of them was exposing me and my sin.

In contrast when I was a non-Chrisitian and saw professing Christians being no different than me I suddenly found a justification for my actions and my conscience no longer bothered me at all. Because wrongly I looked at what they did as my standard for the sake of my own conscience. I can actually say I wanted them to be a hypocrite, someone who lives with no distinguishing standard than my own, because when they lived out their faith they bothered my conscience.

Though the world and everyone in it have issues, we usually gravitate to people who share those same issues, unbeliever or not. I’ve found even Christians don’t like being around others who are strong where they are weak. But one of the greatest blessings of striving daily to live with Christ as the center of our life and standard is the ability to have a clear conscience. A clear conscience allows us to live in security and real confidence regardless of what our minds are being attacked by. Whether that’s other people’s opinions or your own negative thoughts about yourself. Allow God to be the cleanser of your conscience so that you will repent when you violate it. One of the greatest benefits to have is the peace of an innocent conscience through the blood of Jesus Christ.

In His Love, Ld