This short story came to me this morning as I was meditating on the psalms… (Be careful because it just might convict you as it has me!)

Imagine yourself sitting at Starbucks in Seattle gazing out the window.

You see a teenage girl crossing the street with headphones on. Then, you see a bus hurtling down right at her. It’s going to hit her! But you see a young man come out of nowhere, shoving that teenager out of the way. But instead, he gets struck by the bus and lies listless on the pavement. You quickly get out of the coffee shop to check the the young man. But already there is an older man clutching on to the lifeless body of the young man, writhing in pain. It is obvious that he is the young man’s father. You see the teenage girl approaching now. She says to the father, “hey, mister. When your son shoved me, it ripped my jeans. Can you pay me for it?”

(Let it sink in first… Use your imagination. Then, ask yourself these questions.)

What do we complain to God about?
What have we blamed God for?
What are we unhappy about that we feel God hasn’t provided?

“Hey, mister (God), why haven’t you given me a better job?”
“Hey, mister, why did you let my car break down?
“Hey, mister, why don’t you take care of my financial problems?”

And the Mister is clutching onto the lifeless body of the Son who died for us…