I love this illustration by Tim Keller:

If the distance between the earth and the Sun, 92 million miles, was reduced to the thickness of a sheet of paper, then the distance between the earth and the nearest star would be a stack of paper 70 feet high!

And the diameter of a galaxy would be a stack of paper 310 miles high!

There are 100 billion of these galaxies in the universe! A speck of dust a galaxy is compared to the universe.

And the Bible says that Jesus Christ holds the universe by the word of his power – His pinky as it were.

Is this the kind of person you ask into your life to be your assistant?

Do you want God to be available to you or do you want to be available to God?

[End of illustration]

What if this God became a reality for us? What if this great and awesome God came into our lives truly?

One thing for sure: Our needs won’t be as important as God.

We will, instead of working our ministry around to meet our needs or for our fulfillment, we will work our personal things around the ministry.

– Some of us, instead of working our volunteer duties around our traveling plans, we will work our traveling plans around our volunteering duties.
– When we give our money, rather than giving what we won’t miss anyway, we will give to the point where we will have to make adjustment in our lifestyle.
– Many more will take jobs at church that will bring no glory to the self such as watching the toddlers on Sunday mornings or setting up for the service.

My hope and prayer for myself and our church members is that Jesus Christ will become a reality and not just remain a concept. But I understand that most do not want that, for it has terrifying implications to our personal comfort.