Sorry, this devotional is so late in the day. I wanted to give Janet a break from the girls and so I took them out to Bonny Lake library today…

Reading through the Book of Revelation, I am reminded again that there is cosmic war going on and we are in it!

The reason why we suffer defeat, spiritual depression, lethargy, frustration, temptation, etc is because we are at war. And it’s only going to get worse and will end violently.

Satan is real and so are his demons. They hate us and would like to see nothing more than our demise. They are waging battle after battle against God and His children. And they will not stop until God finally brings justice in the world.

However, did you know that we are not on defense, but on offense?

Jesus said to Peter in Matt 16:18-19, “And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.”

You see, it is Satan and hell that are trying to hold their position against the kingdom of God advancing toward it. Those of us who belong to the kingdom of God (under God’s rule) are laying siege, climbing the walls, and shooting arrows at Satan and hell. Our enemy is a sitting duck. Our victory is already a foregone conclusion. It is simply a matter of time when they would surrender completely…

Wouldn’t it be tragic when the outcome of the war has already been determined that we become disillusioned and join the enemy? Sure, they will win battles here and there, but we cannot take our eyes off the Victor who decisively, once and for all, delivered a deathblow on the enemy.

Let us persevere. Let us be used of God to advance the Kingdom. Stay with the army that has already won.

Have a great weekend!