Many people asked me, “Why is the God of the New Testament so different from the God of the Old Testament?”

What they mean is that God of the NT seems so chill, loving, sympathetic whereas the God of the Old Testament seems wrathful, angry, vengeful.

Well, let me assure you that they are the same God. He has not changed. Just read the Book of Revelation and you will see how wrathful, vengeful, and judgmental the God of the New Testament is also!

Of course most people would see this wrathful God as a bad thing. A God who judges and punishes people can’t surely be good?

But that’s a naive view of the world.

For love to exist, holiness also must exist. Love finds its meaning only in the midst of an absolute value – holiness – that will recognize it as love.

Put it this way. A mother who loves her son in such a way that she lets Him do whatever he wants and gives him everything he wants… Can we really call that love? No. True love will correct, rebuke, set straight the son. However, how is she going to correct, set straight if there is no standard with which to judge the son’s behavior as bad? That’s where her sense of rightness comes in. When it comes to God, we call it holiness.

How do we know God loves us utterly and completely? Because of the cross (holiness). God’s ultimate judgement on sin. He poured his wrath upon His Son so that we may be spared…

If someone ever tells you they don’t believe in the God of judgement, ask him this question: What has your God sacrificed to show you love?

Then, tell him: My God sacrificed His Son to show me love.
