Sermons tagged with ‘ten commandments’

3 Items

V. Honor Your Parents


This commandment was given even though the parents were harsh, uneducated, and unbelieving. How do we honor them if they are dishonorable? Exodus 20:12 (Ten Commandments #6)

IV. Keep the Sabbath


Is keeping the Sabbath still relevant? Don’t laws exist for people? Is it wrong to work on Sundays, for example? What about worshiping on the golf course rather than at church? Exodus 20:8-11 (Ten Commandments #5)  

II. No Idols


God wants no competition. He makes that known through the first commandment. But He doesn’t even want an inadequate representation of Him. That’s the second commandment. He wants us to worship not only the right God (1st cmd), but also ALL of God (2nd cmd). Exodus 20:4-6 (Ten Commandments #3)