Sermons by Soong-Yol Hong

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An Old Man’s Last Wish (Topical)


The Last Wish – Love (2/17/19 Topical 1 John 4:7-12) ATTN: I was sharing the gospel with a young lady recently and she asked me, “Is it okay to love God but not love the church people?” Now, I know why she asked. She’s been to churches where people weren’t very nice – they were […]

The Greatest Story Ever Told (Family Service)


The Greatest Story Ever Told (2/10/19 Topical) ATTN: I believe the Bible is the greatest book of all time because it speaks of the greatest being of all time, God. And I believe the story of the prodigal son is the greatest story in the Bible because it is told by the greatest person of […]

Have You Been Asking? (Prayer)


Have You Been Asking? (1/20/19 Prayer – Matthew 7:7-12) ATTN: Every Wednesday evening, I take Serrie, my 10 year old daughter, to AWANA (a Wednesday evening Christian program for children) at a large church in Puyallup. I pick her back up at 8 pm and when I do, almost invariably she asks, “Daddy, can we […]

How to be a Person After God’s Own Heart (Family Service)


How to be a person after god’s own heart (Family Service 1/13/19) ATTN: While every boy in Sunday School sees himself as David, defeating a giant, when I was little, I identified more with Goliath. I was big, fat, and slow. So, whenever we would re-enact the story of David and Goliath, well, guess who […]

The Resolution Above All Resolutions (The First Sunday Message)


The Resolution Above All Resolutions (1/6/19 New Year’s Sunday Message) ATTN: Someone has said, “You live the first half of life forming habits and the second half living off it.” I think that’s largely true. I’m in the second half of my life and I don’t really make new year’s resolutions anymore. Partly because I’ve […]

When God Became Low (Advent Message)


God Became Low (Advent Message 12/23/18) ATTN: When Prince George Alexander Louis was born on july 22, 2013, to Prince Willam and Kate Middleton, The King’s Troop Royal Horse Artillery, wearing full dress uniform, rode past Buckingham Palace to Green Park where they staged a 41-gun royal salute. 71 horses pulled six First World War-era […]

The Meaning of Christmas (Advent Message)


The meaning of Christmas #2: God dearly (x3) loves us ATTN: I want you to reach back into your past and think about when you felt the most loved. When did you feel most loved? Was it when you were growing up, what your mom or dad did for you? Was it when you received […]

Dan in the Den (Family Service)


Dan in the Den (Family Service) ATTN: I want you to imagine getting love letters (FB, Instagram messages) from an admirer. However, although you like the attention you are getting, you are not into him/her. Later on though, you fall head-over-heels in love with someone else. He’s the greatest thing that’s ever happened to you. […]

Why God Delays (John #46)


Why God Delays (12/2/18 John #46) ATTN: In human relationships, knowing someone’s way is important. When Janet and I first married, we clashed because of the way we handled or did things were different. For example, the way we cut fruits is different. When I cut an apple, I cut around the world, making the […]

Did God Cause the First in SoCal? (John #44)


Did God Cause the Fire in Southern California? (11/18/18 John #44) ATTN: I’ll confess. When I first heard about the Southern California fire that engulfed million dollar celebrity homes, I thought of God judging Sodom and Gomorrah. I watched the footages of these houses and cars burning and I thought, that’s what Lot must have […]