Being under someone’s control could either be suffocating or liberating.
6th grade. Korea. School. Being under a mean teacher’s control was suffocating. He was a tyrant. He beat us with sticks. He had no sympathy. I hated being under his control and couldn’t wait to get out from underneath.
8 years old. Korea. Home. Being under loving parents’ control was so liberating. I didn’t have to worry about anything. My parents would take care of everything. I hated to grow up because I knew that meant that I wouldn’t be under their control. (Yes, I really did think that when I was young!)
How do we see God’s sovereignty? He is in control. Every wave that hit NYC, every soul that died on 9-11, every child lost, every snowflake that fell, every hair on our heads numbered, every star named, every dice that rolled a certain number in Las Vegas… (Prov. 16:33; Matt 10:30; Isa 40:26)
Is that suffocating or liberating? All depends on our relationship with God and our view of Him, doesn’t it?
I personally find it immensely liberating. There is no such thing as accident. I will not die suddenly without a good reason from the Lord – the Lord who did not spare His own Son to die in my place and raised me up to share in His inheritance! I may not understand His reasoning but I know His reasoning is better than mine. I believe that same reasoning was how Abraham was able to give up his son Isaac to the alter to be killed. He knew that God cared about his son more than he did…
Every knee will bow to God at the end. Question is, will it be forced upon us or will we do so willingly? Please, let it be done so willingly because you see how great and loving He is!