When I first became a Christian, I thought Jesus was going to come back while I was still young. Now, I’m not sure if He will come back at all in my life time. But I know one thing for sure. I will see Him one way or another soon.
It may still be that He might come back for the final battle in my life time. If not, He will take me up to be with Him forever. Either way, I will see Him. I am betting my life on it.
However, there are signs that we are to look toward for the second coming of Jesus.
– Record setting weather patterns (Luke 21:25-26)
– Global hostility toward Christians (2 Tim 3:1-5)
– Military power to wipe out the earth (Revelation)
– The unprecedented advancement of the gospel in the last 120 years (Matthew 24:14)
– The proliferation of false prophets (Matt 24:11)
It certainly seems like we are getting close, aren’t we? All the signs are present. He may or may not come in our life time. But we can be sure that it’s closer than ever before. And either way, we will see Him, and therefore, we must get ready.
How do we get ready? By doing what we would want Him to find us doing when He comes.
How would you feel about your life if He came back tonight? What would you wish you did more of? Less of? Added to? Subtracted from?
Starting doing it. It’s not too late.
“Repent, and do the works you did at first.” (Revelation 2:5)