It is a great feeling to be a conduit for God’s provision for someone else. This doesn’t happen too often, but from time to time, God would use me as a mouthpiece or an answer to somebody’s prayer. And usually this starts as a thought of that person in my head or something that will link me to that person prior to the get together. Then the encounter happens.

Today, I met with an old friend. This happened rather fortuitously. But there is no such thing as accident in God’s book. I am confident that it was ordained by God. I was thinking of this friend and his well-being for whatever reason this week. And all of sudden, he wanted to get together for coffee. And he just “happened” to be driving my way when the contact happened. And I was free in the mid-morning, and I’m never free in the mid-morning! We spoke for nearly 3 hours, and toward the end, we both concluded that this meeting was ordained by God. He needed a sounding board and encouragement, and God used me for that purpose. I am both humbled and thankful that I could be used in this way.
Being in God’s will is not always about getting what I need from Him. It is also about being used of God so that somebody else could get what he needs. I’m simply a pipe that God uses to transfer his love and encouragement…. But when that happens, I get cleansed and blessed as well.
This Thanksgiving season, would you ask God to put you in a situation where you would be the conduit of God’s blessing? It is of course okay to ask for God’s blessings on your life but it is just as good or better to be a blessing to someone else. After all, it is more blessed to give than to receive…
Happy Thanksgiving! Christ is our treasure!