1 Timothy 6:17–As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy.
Our family had an opportunity to take a small vacation last week, and my wife and I thought how blessed our children are to have the opportunity to go on vacation, because it can cost a lot of money! But one thing we tried to do, was to center our fun around what doesn’t cost money, like fishing, hiking, playing sports together as a family. Because we want them to realize that joy doesn’t depend on being rich and having money…
Since most of America is considered rich in comparison to other countries, it is easy to make the conclusion that we should be the happiest country, because we have a lot of money to enjoy things, right? But studies show the opposite is true for our nation. We are prone to develop a mentality that thinks we must get more and more money to enjoy life, but you soon realize that greed never says “enough” so here comes more stress. Or if you can afford things, they never satisfy the soul.
I think the best example of this passage is to look at children, and how they can be oblivious to their families being rich or poor, yet enjoy what is around them. Of course they are naïve to bills and other expenses, but this is where the purpose of faith comes in for us as adults. That God does faithfully provide for our needs, but our mentality towards money can cause us to think God must provide for “my greed” to be happy.
Paul warns Timothy to charge the rich to not focus on money being their primary means of enjoyment. Because that hinders us from seeking God to free our minds to what God can provide for our enjoyment. Challenge yourself whether you have a mentality of needing more money in order to enjoy life? God desires us not to miss out on how He can expand our hearts and minds, beyond what money can buy!
In His Love, Ld