If you were going against an enemy that you knew you couldn’t beat, how would you prevail against him? The only way is to make sure that he never engages in the fight. But how would you make sure that he never engages in the fight?
That is Satan’s dilemma against American Christians. His answer? Make them so comfortable and safety-driven that they never engage in the fight. Because he knows that once they engage, he is licked. (Jesus said, “And on this rock I will build my church and gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Matt 16:17)
Satan has so clouded the minds of American Christians that we forgot to fight. Our pursuit is for comfort, safety, and more of what we already have. Even churches promise “blessings” if we will live by God’s standard. But what is the blessing they promise? Earthly comfort. Material blessings. Physical health.
In the midst of this proverbial slowly boiling the frog alive (we are the frogs), I want to shout, “But isn’t Christian life about living by faith? And by definition, isn’t faith living for something we can’t see physically? Living, trusting that the promise will only be fulfilled in the next world and not in this world???”
But I’ve seen people who live by faith. They live very different lives. They choose to downgrade their standard of living rather than upgrading. They immigrate to a country poorer than theirs. They move their children to poorly performing schools. They choose hardship over ease if it means more glory to God. They are living for a different country with completely different set of values….
But we can’t do this unless we see Jesus as our reward and the greatest treasure. We give up in order to gain. But not to gain more of the same, but to gain the ultimate, which is Christ. Turn your eyes to Christ. Go worship Him with other believers this Sunday.