What is your “only if” today?

Mine? Only if I were at Kauai beach with my family…

But did you know that God also has His “only if?”

Ps. 81:11, “If my people would but listen to me, if Israel would follow my ways, how quickly would I subdue their enemies and turn my hand against their foes!”

God’s “only if” is “Only if my people would listen!” “Only if my people would trust me!”

There lies the solution to ALL of our human problems. Consider our problems:

Money issues
Sexual promiscuity
Anxiety over the future
Fights between spouses
Discontentment over work
Conflicts with parents
Marital unfaithfulness

There is a simple solution to all this: Listening to God by trusting Him.

But why is it so hard to trust God? We think our way is better. We think we know better than God. Thus, either we take deliberate steps toward going our way or we passively let God’s way pass by.

Have you looked at your rebellious child or student and thought, “Only if you would listen, you wouldn’t be in so much trouble! Why will you suffer needlessly?”

The solution to our problem (whatever it is!) isn’t more money.
It isn’t a better job.
It isn’t a better relationship with our family.
It isn’t a long vacation in Kauai! =(
It isn’t moving to a better community.

It is trusting God and listening to what He has already said.

Why should we? (trust God)

Because He knows better (know the # of hair on your head?), and He cares for us more than we care about ourselves (the cross).