A thought especially for the young parents: What will you do when your sweet child turns against you and say one day, “You never do anything for me! I hate you! I wish you were dead!”

Are you prepared to take those words?

Be prepared. They are coming…

“Not my children. They are so sweet. And I have a good relationship with them. Not like other parents…,” you may think. So thought all those parents whose children turned to them and said those words…

Why will our children turn against us and say those nasty words that are entirely baseless and piercing to our hearts?

Why won’t they consider all of our sacrifices to take care of them – feeding, pumping, washing, cleaning, buying, sleepless nights, ER visits, getting a bigger car we can’t afford, watching them play soccer on a cold dreary night…

Why will they turn against us?

Because we have turned against God.

No. I don’t mean God will let our children turn against us as a punishment for our turning against Him. I mean that God will let our children turn against us so that we may know how much God loves us and hurts for us…

Read the entire psalm 78. It is a lament of God on how He feels about His child – Israel. How perfectly He loved him and still he turned against Him…

If our beloved children turn against us and wish us dead, it is but a taste of what we have done to God.

“I hate my job!” – But it is what God provided.
“I hate the way I look” – But God made you that way.
“I can’t stand my husband/wife” – But God gave you him/her.
“I hate this town and its people!” – But God died for them.
“I wish I had more money” – But God let you live in the richest country in the world.

We turn against God daily. We trust Him not. Yet, He gave us everything – including His one and only Son!

Do you still think your children will not turn against you because you were nice to them?


p.s. No. Sennah didn’t say those words… yet. But even if she did, it’s nothing compared to what I did to God….