Have you ever fantasized being great? Of course you have. I have. Growing up, I often fantasized being the greatest baseball player ever. When I became a pastor, I fantasized becoming the greatest pastor ever. Then, when I became a father, I fantasized being the greatest father ever.
Silly? No. It’s innate. It’s in all of us to want to be great. And it’s not sin. God has put it there.
How often do you hear people talk about the GOAT (Greatest Of All Time)? The media is constantly debating who is the greatest. For example, the endless debate between Lebron James and Michael Jordan as to who is the greatest. Or who is the greatest statesman of all time? Winston Churchill? Abraham Lincoln? Or even, who is the greatest villain of all time? Hitler? Stalin?
There is something in us that drives us to want to be great or be associated with someone or something great. Listen to how Jesus puts it. When asked who is greatest in the kingdom of heaven by his disciples, He replied, “whoever humbles himself like this child – this one is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 18:4)
Jesus does NOT rebuke the disciples for wanting to be great! And He teaches them how to be great! So, Jesus wants us to be great and strive for greatness!
How? By going low. The exact opposite of how the world tries to achieve it.
Here’s how to be great in detail: Go low yourself and then treat the lowly ones who would be of no benefit to you with love and kindness. (Such as a random child)
We live in a society where you must assert yourself to get anywhere. You have a choice to make. Would you want to be recognized by the world (be great for a little while) or be recognized by God (be truly great forever!)?