If I have led you to believe that Christian growth will only come from beholding (looking at) Christ, then I have not been complete.
Certainly, we are to look to Christ and behold His glory to admire Him and love Him (2 Cor 3:18). But that picture could be misleading as the mental image of beholding or looking at Christ is a passive act. But Christian growth requires anything but being passive. It WILL require engaging our will-power at times when our heart is not right. (If anything, to get our heart in the right place).
“…Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.” Phil 2:13
The word, “work out,” does not seem passive, does it? It is we who are to work out our salvation. Believe me, I have been working out at the Y at least three times a week for the last several years, and it takes much effort even to get to the gym!
But the amazing thing is that when we make continued efforts toward holiness and godliness, God works in us! So, it is not a separate thing from our own action. We do not wait until God magically or miraculous change our hearts to make us want to be godly. Rather, we beat our body and make it obedient until we can see Christ more clearly. And once we see Christ more clearly through our clearing out the thistles, then we will WANT TO be obedient to Him.
Sometimes I bring flowers to my wife because I have this overwhelming feeling of love. But other times, my bringing flower to her create the feeling of love.
Make an effort to come to Christ. Even if your wicked heart doesn’t want to…