Happy 4th!
Have you ever thought that you have something some people are willing to risk theirs and their family’s lives for? What is that? A right to live in this country.
This nation that we are either born into or moved into is truly an amazing nation. If you had not lived elsewhere, then you would be like a fish not knowing what being wet is (because it is always wet). I am speaking as one who was born and raised elsewhere. We enjoy unprecedented freedom, wealth, and all the good this world has to offer. Just the fact that we are living in this country, even illegally, displays our privilege.
Consider how many people only dream of living in this country. A Pakistanis man we met in Thailand some years ago. He and his family fled his country because of religious persecution, was now living in Bangkok. But his dream was to either come to Canada or America. He waited 5 years to finally end up in Canada (But he would prefer America over Canada!)
Think of all the illegal immigrants who risk their lives to come to America. They must know something we take for granted. What we have here is something they are willing to risk their lives for!
Count the number of international students coming from all over the world, often paying double what their American peers are paying, simply for the privilege of studying in the U.S.! When I speak to their parents, their dream is to have their child make a living in the U.S. after their schooling is done. (And then invite them, so that they can also live in the U.S.!)
It is one thing to be born underprivileged and waste our lives. It is quite another thing to be privileged (simply being in this country) and waste our lives. The first is understandable. The second, condemnable!
In 2 Chronicles 8, after Solomon’s death, a new king tries to govern the nation. But rather than doing so in humility and gratitude, he does so in hubris and greed. As a result, he ends up losing the whole kingdom. He was privileged. But he wasted it.
Don’t waste your life here that others are risking their lives to get.
Seek God. Give generously. Take risks of faith.