Ecclesiastes 7:29–See, this alone I found, that God made man upright, but they have sought out many schemes.
I remember in college while studying psychology, the argument of “nature vs. nurture” was probably the biggest dilemma we had to debate. Not being a Christian at the time, I just related to my experience growing up, blaming almost everything on dysfunctional environments being the downfall of humanity…
But now as a Christian, though I believe environment can make things worse, or more difficult in overcoming circumstances. Our nature in being sinners, is the source of our destructive reactions within the environments we live. Our pride, jealousy, guilt and evil towards others are stimulated by our environment. So instead of blaming everything on the environment, we eventually have to ask, what is in me that triggers such a response? (Romans 7:13-24)
The scripture states that God created man in His image, upright and good before the fall of Adam and Eve. Because of sin, we now seek out ways not to forgive, but justify our bitterness. Not seek out ways to persevere in unconditional love, but look to justify our hate, and so on. Inevitably, such a mentality makes us forever a victim to circumstances, rather than “overcomers” by faith.(1 John 5:4)
This is the good news of salvation! That because we overcome the world by faith, we don’t have to resort to being “schemers”, because our environment “made us” that way. Being a new creation while continually growing in grace and renewing the mind, we can be lights in a world of scheming darkness! (2 Corinthians 5:17, Ephesians 4:22-24, Philippians 2:15)
So before we “right off” marriage as ridiculous, or the Church as “a mess”, or jobs too burdensome, ask yourself as a Christian, did God place me in these environments to be a victim? Or has He placed me in these institutions to reflect Christ and be “upright”, that people get a glimpse of why God created men/women in His image?
In His Love, Ld