Following Christ involves two acts. Fleeing and pursuing. They are an extension of repenting (turning away from sin) and believing (turning to God). This is not an one time act in the beginning of our Christian life. It is to be done repeatedly and constantly throughout our Christian life until the Lord takes us home.

“So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace…” 2 Tim. 2:22

First, we are to flee. Flee from youthful passions. What are those? Lust, greed, unholy ambition, drunkenness, appearance… We are to flee from these. Put some safeguards around these and yourself, so that you won’t be tempted to fall into these. They are sucking the joy out of your life!

Second, we are to pursue. Pursue what? Righteousness, faith, love and peace.

– Righteousness: Being right with God. Loving justice. Defending the poor and the weak.

– Faith: Doing things God’s way rather than what the studies have shown.

– Love: Not only with deeds but also with emotions.

– Peace: Quietness and setting good examples with unbelievers; unity and harmony with believers.

One day, when we are in heaven, we won’t have to flee and pursue anymore. At least not intentionally since it will be so natural for us. Just like no one has to tell us to breathe now. And I long for that day. A day when I no longer have to “strive” to keep it under control (1 Cor. 9:27). A day when I will no longer struggle with sin.

But until then, we must flee and pursue. Don’t float down that river with the current of the world!  Taste the goodness of the Lord by swimming upstream. It gets easier as our spiritual muscles are built!