Sometimes the only we know that we are hungering and thirsting for God is that nothing else will satisfy. When our family is warm and cozy, when we are financially stable, our bodies are relatively healthy, and there is ample food in the refrigerator, and yet we still feel like something is missing, what we are really hungering and thirsting is for God.

Almost weekly, I ask myself the question, “What more could you ask for in life? How else could my life really improve?” At this point in my life, I don’t really have a need. God has given me much more than I’ve ever dreamt of, growing up in a small village in S. Korea. And I am very grateful that through no effort of my own, God has granted me grace and more. And yet, I can’t help but think that I’m not completely satisfied. There is more to life than this. I’m not quite experiencing all that I am made to experience.

What I need is more of God. Or more accurately, I need God to have more of me. There’s still too much “me” left in me. There is still that rebellious cell in me that wants to find satisfaction in something other than God even though it “knows” that there really isn’t and can’t be.

“O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you

my soul thirst for you; 

my flesh faints for you,

as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.”

Ps. 63″

Now, the only thing we have to do is to earnestly seek this satisfaction in God and wait for Him. We will not find it anywhere else. Put that out of your mind if you thought that you could find it anywhere else.

Pray and wait. And watch Him deliver.