Are we telling the truth to our children when we tell them if they trust God, God will guard and protect them?

When I was younger, the thought of the Almighty God protecting me from all harm comforted me a great deal. I thought, “Even though bad things happen to other people, it won’t happen to me because God is with me.” But my life experience tells me otherwise. I see many Christians, both young and old, die pretty much at the same rate as non-Christians. How many Christian mothers prayed for their sons during WWII and the Vietnam War, and yet they returned in body bags… ?

David prays, “I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed.” (Ps 34:5)

But if you look at the context in which this was written, David acted like a mad man in front of an enemy king in order to escape from being killed! That doesn’t seem very honorable to me. Wouldn’t it have shown his trust in God more pronouncedly if he did not deliberately deceive the enemy king? And then, he praises the Lord for delivering him. Isn’t that like I cheated on an important test and I praise God because sitting in front of me was the smartest kid in school that I cheated off of? “Thank you, Lord, for my smart friend whom I can cheat off of!”

David was a flawed individual. And yet, God was doggedly on his side! Granted, compared to others, he was far better, which the books of Kings point out repeatedly. But ultimately, God is leading us to His Son, Jesus – the only perfect and honorable One to represent us perfectly.

And yet, this Jesus was scourged and pierced. He died… So that you and I won’t have to die? No. So that you and I will die with Him and then LIVE with Him! Forever!

God protects us from eternal damnation that was our destiny. He guarantees a safe passage to the eternal life He has prepared for us. Death is simply a doorway to that life.

So, we are not lying when we tell our young ones that God will protect those who put their trust in Him. Sometimes, by saving us from death. Sometimes, by saving us through death…