See if this sounds familiar. King David gets betrayed by his own son at the height of his power. He is dethroned, and sadly and pathetically moves into exile away from his son. This sight is so pathetic that a man curses and throws rocks at him. But his son, Absalom, is not done and attempts an all out attack on David. But David overcomes him and his army and his son is killed. David regains his throne and it’s judgment day for Israel. All those who openly opposed David are swiftly dealt with.
Did you see the story of God in this? Jesus, the Son of God, is betrayed at the height of his popularity. He had to endure scorn and torture at the hands of his enemies. Satan attempts an all out attack on God by killing His Son. But Jesus overcomes him and his army. Jesus will rightfully sit on the throne to judge all peoples of the earth. All those who openly opposed Jesus will be swiftly dealt with.
We are at a point of history between Jesus’ victory and His judgment. Another metaphor – The atomic bomb had been dropped and we are just waiting for the signing of the unconditional surrender. Sure, there are still battles being fought, but the war is already won. The enemy is retreating, only striving to kill as many as he can before he himself is killed.
It would be silly to join the enemy when the war has already been won. Do not be enticed by their shining uniform. Nor their cool gadgets. Nor their sophisticated sounding foreign accents. (During WWII, after Nazis were defeated, some ally troops were still in awe of Nazi commanders that they treated them favorably in prison)
What we consider valuable, beautiful, even awesome that belong to the enemy are the weapons that were used to destroy us. Do not be enticed by them. In practical terms, they could be an attention from an opposite sex out of your league even though you are married, a job that pays out of your pay grade but will require compromising your relationship with God, or even awesomely beautiful children that you want to live for (Don’t. When love becomes a god, it becomes a demon – C.S. Lewis)