I am very fortunate that my parents are still living. Not all of you can say that about your own. But they are aging. I’m having to go more frequently with them to the doctor for translation. And I know the inevitable is coming…
Sin is not the only reason we must die. Another reason is because we are to inherit an imperishable kingdom. Therefore, our bodies also must be imperishable. In other words, we must go through a physical change if we are to live forever. And just like a butterfly will emerge from a cocoon, we must shed our physical and temporary body before we can have our spiritual and permanent body.
“I tell you this, brothers: flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable. Behold! I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed.” (1 Co. 15:50-51)
I can’t wait to be changed, can you? If you can, you are probably young and you like your body. But at age 46, I’m very eager to get a new one!
Another reason why we need a new body is not simply that it needs to last forever. But also, it needs the capacity to contain all the joy we will have. Our old body will simply burst at the seam when we are dealt with so much joy in heaven.