Zephaniah 1:12–2 At that time I will search Jerusalem with lamps,
and I will punish the men
who are complacent,
those who say in their hearts,
‘The Lord will not do good,
nor will he do ill.’
The premise that everyone shares in struggling to surrender fully to God, is to destroy our “narrative” or storybook idea for God’s. For example, if you remember as a child, the difference between being punished or rewarded was based largely on whose “narrative” you lived by, your own or your parents?
Though we may profess to love Jesus as our Lord and Savior, the relationship can never grow if our “narrative” has not been surrendered for His, that’s the essence of a faith that pleases Him! It’s possible to be adhering to the Word in some areas in our life, while holding onto our own narrative in how we think life should go. Which means, we are not really surrendered to live by faith when called to…
Much like a relationship we are no longer passionate about, we do “enough”, just so we can say in our conscience, “I’m doing what is right.” But we leave out the most important element, our hearts! When our heart is no longer connected, we are complacent, and have replaced the unifying narrative of faith from love, with what we think is good enough…
A complacent heart, like the children of Israel had towards God, determined that the outcome of life should surrender to what they think, and things will “fall into place”. But such a heart takes for granted who is really “the Determiner” of outcomes, and whose narrative we should be subject to or we get punished!
Surrendering our narrative is difficult, because we can’t live complacent in what we determine and want all the time. But is that a bad thing? Especially if you have seen some of the outcomes of constructing your own life (like I have), without surrendering fully to God.
In His Love, Ld