Numbers 13:30-31–But Caleb quieted the people before Moses and said, “Let us go up at once and occupy it, for we are well able to overcome it.” 31 Then the men who had gone up with him said, “We are not able to go up against the people, for they are stronger than we are.”
In a time where society tries to stress having a “right mind set”, they try and teach these things without faith being “the engine” that allows you to endure all things. You may be able to stay “positive” or “driven” for awhile, but eventually that conquering mind set will wear thin, were you realize you are not invincible and fear can paralyze anyone…
So when you read a familiar sequence in the Bible about “the spies sent out to see the promise land” God ordained for them. Implicit in Caleb’s response is faith, while those who are terrified to not do what God ordained them to do is fear. Both spies saw the same things, yet it was the conclusion of what they could do against what they saw…
Caleb knew that the inhabitants of the land were strong, but his response had more to do with what God challenged the people to have, courage! Courage to face the fear of what they were to encounter, which implies faith in someone bigger than you and your opposition! We will always need more than a “positive mind set” to face what we know is stronger than us, otherwise fear will take over eventually!
The fearful leaders at the end of the chapter said, “we seemed to ourselves like grasshoppers, and so we seemed to them” (vs.31). But how did they know the people saw them as grasshoppers? It was because they identified themselves with their fear and unbelief. So they could not see themselves as conquerors by faith in God like Caleb. In other words, people will see you no greater than you see yourself!
The greatest fight mentally is to allow Jesus to be our identity when we feel overwhelmed with life, like the unbelieving spies were “with the inhabitants of the land”. But Christ saved us to be like Caleb in spirit! To overcome what is greater than us by faith in Him. Fight the mentality to allow fear to paralyze you into shrinking back, and embracing what God has called you to do!
In His Love, Ld