One of the ways entitlement raises its head from within is the thought, “I’ve sacrificed enough already!” And the thought immediately after, “I deserve better!”

I think that’s one of the reasons why many older people get jaded. I’m certainly including myself in this “older people” group. Those of us who are older, we remember how we used to be when we were younger. We were full of zeal, fervor, hope, and energy. But life has a way of wearing you out. Especially, when the result is not commensurate with your effort, you get discouraged, disillusioned and burnt out. And as we watch young people with equal zeal and hope, we think, “You just wait until you are my age. You will be just as jaded…”
But it doesn’t have to be this way. I read about apostle Paul in the Book of Acts, how he seemed to be accelerating toward the end of his life. He could see the finish line and rather than flailing and slowing down, he was speeding up to cross the finish line!
“For Paul had decided to sail past Ephesus, so that he might not have to spend time in Asia, for he was hastening to be at Jerusalem, if possible, on the day of Pentecost.” Acts 20:16
I want to highlight the word “hastening”. Paul wasn’t a fatalist. In other words, he didn’t think, “Since God is in charge, what’s going to happen is going to happen no matter what I do.” Rather, he knew that he could be a conduit to the work of God. That’s why he was “hastening” or making a great effort to work with zeal what God had given him to do. And this he did until his dying day.
What was his secret? I think it’s that he never lost sight of meeting God face to face one day. It was a reality to him and not a dreamy future. O, how we need to behold the face of God daily through the word of God!
Pray that we won’t become jaded. And then do our utmost to behold the glory of Christ in HIs word!