I must be getting old! I’ve always liked to listen to other pastors’ sermons, but now I enjoy listening to older pastors rather than the younger pastors. Perhaps because I realize it in myself, but in general, the longer you walk with Christ, the more complete your theology becomes.
When I was a young pastor, I liked listening to other pastors that challenged your mind, struck your humor cord, and said something memorable and radical. They were usually young themselves. But as I’m getting older, I see that the Bible is not one dimensional or simplistic. I used to think I knew the message of the Bible pretty well and mastered it, but now I realize that I need to get mastered by the Bible and I have a long long way to go…
One of the reasons for my suspicion of younger pastors is that there are things that become visible in the Bible only as you walk a long time with the Lord. The reason for this is because the word of God is not something to be understood only intellectually. If it were, then the ones with the highest intelligence should have the most insight into the Bible. But this is often not true. Although unlearned, it’s those who have walked with the Lord a long time that usually have stunning insights into the truths of the Bible. Certain truths of the Bible will emerge only as we obey it. It will not come in any other way!
Jesus said, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:31)
We think the order should be: 1) Know the truth, 2) Become Jesus’ disciples, then 3) Abide in His word (take action). But Jesus reverses this order: 1) Abide in His word (take action), 2) Become Jesus’ disciples, then, 3) We will know the truth which will set us free.
Do you see it? The knowledge spoken here is not intellectual. It is spiritual. That’s why we can have it only after we obey and become disciples of Jesus.
Do you want to know God truly? Obey Him. Follow Him. Then you will know him. (Jesus’ 12 disciples didn’t know him and then followed Him, but they followed Him first and then they got to know Him truly)